Friday, 29 September 2017

Have also made a discovery that I have been approaching this from a positivist point of view. I was starting my inquiry process with the assumption that there is something fixed out there to be found. To some extent, I have been researching to 'substantiate' rather than researching with an open mind and trusting and seeing where my inquiry will lead me to....


  1. That's super interesting, and also something I can identify with in life in general. Thanks for naming it... definitely something for me to watch out for in my research and modules to come.

  2. Hi Hannah. Thank you for your comment! I think it is quite common for us dancers (or ex..) to view things from positivist point of view. We are so used to the 'right' way of 'doing' or 'executing' a step that we tend also to bring it to our life in general. Especially classically trained dancers might find this difficult to take in. I certainly did - hard to have the open mind, to see where something (steps, sequence, solo, variation, choreography) will lead us to. That's why I found this programme to be challenging (at first) but liberating - learning to be open and seeing what's out there. Accepting what we do know and never negating that but at the same time opening our minds to see where what we know (or do not know ) can lead us. But as Adesola and Helen said in the Skype call on Sunday, 1st Oct - although we want to be open minded but there is a framework to work in. I personally think there should be a balance of some sort between the positivist and non-positivist outlook. I like knowing there's a framework - then I can work inside it, outside it or break it.
